Oct 012011
I have teamed up with Jennifers Savings to bring you this wonderful giveaway offered by Zuuzs. One lucky winner is going to win a $175 VISA giftcard!!!
Let me tell you a little about Zuuzs, a site where you can Shop great stores, Share deals and opinions, and Earn cash. Not only can you enter for a chance to win this $175 VISA Giftcard-Zuuzs also has a $1000 Shopping Spreestakes going on right now that you can earn entries just by joining and inviting your friends. 
Why should you join Zuuzs? Zuuzs offers you cash back rewards, called zuuzs FUNdzs, on all of the purchases you make through the site. But that’s not all! You will earn FUNdz from friends and family that you have invited to join your zuuzs Circle of Friendzs. When a member of your Circle of Friendzs makes a purchase, she earns cash back on her purchase and zuuzs pays you a bonus (40%), too, for introducing Zuuzs to her. Your zuuzs Circle of Friendzs includes members that you have invited directly (Direct Friends), and the people that they have invited (Indirect Friends). You will earn 25% FUNdz from your Indirect Friends!!!
Zuuzs sends out a check every month on the 21st with the FUNdz that you have earned. You don’t have to wait until you have tons of FUNdz in your account, if you have $10 in FUNdz, you will get a check. Zuuzs is also working on getting a reloadable debit card so that your FUNdz can be put directly on your card!
I don’t know about you, but I am loving the idea of earning extra money each month just by making my purchases online and sharing this great site with my family and friends. Thank you to Zuuzs for offering this $175 VISA Giftcard for us to share with one of our lucky followers. Let us know if you are one of the lucky ones that win the Shopping Spreestakes from Zuuzs also!
*Just a note-With the new changes on Facebook, make sure to create a new List for all of the pages that you like. When you do this, all you have to do is click on the list that you make to see the posts from the pages you like. Make sure that you do this several times during the day in order not to miss any new giveaways, freebies, great deals, etc.
Good Luck and Start Shopping, Sharing, and Earning with Zuuzs!

RafflecopterSettings = { raffleID: ‘NDc5MTcxMDBkNDZlMTE0YjZjMDE3ZWY1Y2Y3ZTllOjQ=’};

<a href=”http://rafl.es/enable-js”>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

  3 Responses to “Zuuzs – $175 Visa Gift Card Giveaway”

Comments (3)
  1. Shinnybutton – sorry to hear you're having troubles. I will pass this info on to the proper individual so they are aware. Make it a great weekend!

  2. I'm having a glitch where it wouldn't let me set a password, so I haven't had a chance to check it out. But, I will say I do like the name. Oh, and the giveaway! My favorite thing is that they offered the giveaway.

  3. Shinybutton, I have had one other person with this problem and signing in through facebook was the solution. Try that and see if it works. Let me know if not at jenniferssavings(at)yahoo(dot)com and I will pass it along to the owner. Thank you for your interest in the giveaway. I hope this takes care of the glitch:)

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