Internet Shopper Click Thru Sites


Internet Shopper Click Thru Sites (Cash Back Sites)

If you were to search the web for cash back sites you would come across a bountiful.  Though, it’s unrealistic to utilize more than you can handle.  For one…it becomes time consuming when you are trying to find the better site to click-thru….and time is money and a whole lot more for mothers, fathers, and people who have a full plate already.

Secondly, even if you found a site you haven’t used and decide to sign up with, you must think about how often you would utilize that particular site.  If you don’t think you’d utilize it often enough…then the money in your account would sit there for some time before you would be eligible to cash it out.  Whereas, if you consistently use another site the money would add up faster making it so you could cash out on your saved money earlier and getting it back in your pocket.

All of the sites below are websites where you go to their website, find the store** you are wanting to purchase from, and click on the store through that website. The latter part is of utmost importance.  The cash back sites create tracking tickets so that they can monitor the purchase amount and in turn returning to you the cash back you’re due.

**Not all stores are on all sites, and some aren’t on any, and yet some offer a higher rebate/points per dollar than other sites do.  It’s worth doing your homework to see which site will give you the most bang for your buck.

Some of the sites give you additional ways to earn points through reading their emails, searching the web, using their toolbar, or taking surveys. Some offer coupons.

There are two sites we use to save us time.  One is and the other is These sites will do the work for you when comparing what site offers what for cash back.  All you need to do is type in the website you are looking to make a purchase at and if it’s on a cash back site, the search will pull up which cash back sites you’ll receive cash back thru and the amount that site offers for cash back.  We always double check what the cash back is stated on these sites by going to the site directly before making my purchase.  Sometimes Cash Reporter isn’t up-to-date with the current cash back being offered.

Our suggestion to you is if you don’t belong to any of the sites below, familiarize yourself with each site below, sign onto them all….doesn’t matter if you’ll never use the site down the road….just sign on so that when you do use the time-saving sites, you’re already registered at each site…saving you a lot of time in the long run and you’ll be well informed of each site’s policy beforehand.

If you don’t want to sign on with them all, we can tell you from experience the sites we use the most often are Ebates, Mr. Rebates, My Points, and Top Cash Back because they offer more stores, it seems, than the others and their cash back seems to be higher than the others for the same stores we shop at.  Now, if you have a Discover Credit Card…Cash Reporter references their cash back program quite often I’m finding.  And Discover’s program seems to offer a higher cash back percentage than any of the major sites (ebates, Mr. Rebates, My Points…the sites that have been around the longest) listed for cash back.

These are all sites we have utilized with success.

My Points: offers many opportunities to earn points, which can then be redeemed for gift cards.  When shopping (clicking) through their site to the store you are making your purchase at you will earn points for each dollar spent. Points per dollar vary from store to store.  We recommend downloading and using the My Points toolbar as you earn points for searching the web through their toolbar. Opting in to receive their emails (you must click on the advertisement in order to receive credit) will earn you 5 pts for each or more, if you sign up for an offer.  Printing and redeeming coupons each month will also earn you points.

We have cashed in points for iTunes gift cards and restaurant cards without incident.  At the time of this positing (1/15/11),  we have over 32,000 points available to cash in on when we are ready to. The points truly add up fast if you work the program.  Get started with MyPoints.


Shop any of the websites on their website to earn cash back on your purchases. They pay. We have received checks in the mail and money into our PayPal account over and over again.  This is one of our favorite click-thru sites.  Each day they have a store which offers double cash back…you can opt in to received an email in your inbox daily.

Top Cash Back

Works just like the others – click thru this site to receive cash back on your purchase.  We’ve used this site many times without incident.   Sign up {here}

Become a Swaggernaut!

It’s truly fun to be a Swaggernaut!  Download their toolbar or search directly from their site to earn Swag Bucks. Swag Bucks can be redeemed for prizes from a multitude of categories, including gift cards. They also can be used to enter “Swagstakes” – their sweepstakes.  We love this site…we love hunting for swag codes.  Click {here} to become a Swaggernaut.


We use this site regularly.  In fact, it was our favorite for clicking thru during the 2010 Christmas season as it was giving back more on our dollars spent at the stores we shopped.  Click {here} to sign on with Mr. Rebates.

SEND EARNINGS: We like this site.  We earn money by reading their emails, completing surveys, or taking advantage of the “pay to try offers.”  They offer shopping rebates and I have used this site to click-thru.  That being said, we have to say it’s not my favorite for click-thru shopping.  Click {here} to get started with Send Earnings.


UPDATE -July 2014 – we no longer use this site.  If one doesn’t complete a task in 6 months – you lose everything in your account.  Ironically – we always had trouble receiving their emails – but do not with other sites.  That said, that put a bad taste in our mouth when we lost the money we had on their site and will not use them any longer.

Original post:  We like this site.  The offers where they will pay you to try can be good.  They offer click-thru shopping, however…we don’t click-thru them very often.  One can get paid for reading their emails and completing surveys as well.


Just a little bit of time can put money back in your pocket when using a cash back site for online shopping.

  4 Responses to “Internet Shopper Click Thru Sites”

  1. I love Mr Rebates; my only complaint is I wish they offered rebates for because I spend most of my money on that site! But I did spend a fair amount at Xmas through Mr Rebates!

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