On a budget? Uplift your home with bargains on home and garden furniture and accessories
When winter began to set in this past fall, the urge hit where I decided my bedroom needed to be spruced up with a new bedding ensemble. Off shopping I went (online of course) to find just the right ensemble at the right price. Through all my efforts, I did find the perfect one. Now if I could only manage to hem the curtains I bought 3 years ago and get them up – I’d be good to go.
Now that I’m desperately wishing winter away and know that’s not going to happen any time soon, I’ve decided to start spring cleaning. The first room to be tackled was my daughter’s. It’s still not finished. I know teenagers can be quite messy but this teenager has me over the edge on her room being as nasty as I found it. I’ve given her the tools to help her keep it neat and orderly but she’s just too lazy to use them. Very frustrating.
Needless to say, when I am done, the room will be totally clean with walls and windows washed, floors washed, all furniture washed, and furniture rearranged. I actually took a piece of furniture out of storage to replace the tables (yes, tables…not just one) she had beside her bed that just made the room cluttered. That said, I am not convinced that it’s a piece that works in her room and I might just be bargain shopping for another. I won’t limit myself to looking just at household furniture, as sometimes the better buys can be found in garden/patio furniture. There’s no rule that one has to use garden/patio furniture just outside. If the piece fits the feel and look of the room – that’s all that matters.
By the time fishing season is here at the end of April, all the rooms in the house will be spic and span clean with a few new accessories throughout. I actually bought a new tablecloth during the holidays that I got for a really great price. I am so ready to use it, but won’t, because the weather doesn’t depict the look and weight of the fabric. I’m starting to ache for new living room accessories and I’m already eyeing what I would like to dress my deck with come the summer (we’ve had the deck a good 4 yrs but haven’t used it…crazy, I know!).
Do you look for bargains on home and garden furniture and accessories? Do you re-accessorize with every season? Where do you find the best deals?
Image courtesy of Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.net