Aug 092013

I recently had the opportunity to experience Litter One – the eco-friendly litter box system – a 100% biodegradable, disposable, self-contained litter system – including the packaging.

Litter One

Arriving in a biodegradable box, ready to be assembled – the assembly couldn’t be any easier.  A few folds of the cardboard and you’re done.  The system is not made of flimsy cardboard.  It’s thick and will not easily bend out of shape.  And when all set up – the litter box measures 19″ L x 14″ W x 9″ H sides; front opening = 4 1/2″ H x 11″ W.

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Jul 112013

When a dog has a birthday, it’s like celebrating 7 years in one. For that reason, you have to throw a party and pull out all the stops. Your dog may be like a member of your family—one that won’t be around as long. If you’ve never thrown a birthday party for a canine, you may wonder how to prepare. Part of getting ready is having all the essential dog party supplies. For knowing which supplies to purchase, follow this guide.


Most birthday parties involve invitations, so a dog’s party is no different. Many pet owners prefer to go to the store or order readymade invitations that have a dog theme on them. To make things a little more special, feel free to customize your invitations. You can go to a print shop and inform the attendants what you want on the invitation and how you want it designed. You can create your own invitation on the computer and have them print copies for you. They should have envelopes at the shop to go with the size of your cards. If you really want to go the extra mile, you can create individually made invitations and send them out to guests.


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Jan 042013
waterproof and allergen mattress protector

Thinking of adding a new puppy or kitten to your family?  Or maybe you already own fur babies.  Either way, you may want to consider mattress protection with a mattress encasement like this one from Protect-A-Bed.  This is Protect-A-Beds Allerzip Smooth Mattress Encasement and is well worth the mattress protection it offers.

Protect-A-Bed mattress protection

Protect-A-Bed’s AllerZip® Smooth Mattress Encasement

What makes Protect-A-Bed’s AllerZip® Smooth Mattress Encasement so special? 

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Dec 212012

Christmas Dangers to Cats & Kittens

christmas dangers to cats and kittens

It’s the holiday season and we love to decorate.  However, some Christmas decorations can be very harmful to our pets.  Let’s take a look at some of the Christmas Dangers to Cats & Kittens.


Tinsel on the Christmas Tree is not a good decoration where cats are concerned.  Lots of times cats will see this sway about in the air and think it’s something to play with.  In doing so, they often get it in their mouths in which case they have a hard time removing it and end up swallowing it.  If a kitty gets this in their intestinal track there is a great possibility of having to have it surgically removed due to a bowl obstruction.  If you see it coming from the anus – do not pull it out!  Get your kitty to the vet.

Leaving the tinsel off is much better than having a huge vet bill and your tree will be just as beautiful – trust me, you won’t miss it.

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Dec 142012
how to keep cats out of the Christmas Tree
how to keep cats out of the Christmas Tree

The Tree -after being tortured


So, you’re looking to find a way on how to keep cats out of the Christmas Tree?  I was too a few years ago.  You see, we had a litter of very mischievous kittens that year and in fear that I would awake to a tree tipped over, broken ornaments and water everywhere, I opted to set up an artificial tree despite always having a real tree.

So we set up our new-to-us (I got it off of freecycle) artificial tree, but of course, not without help.  All the fur babies had to get in on the task.  Them helping was a feat in itself.  Finally after getting it standing, fixing the branches, and getting it completely decorated – I thought it really looked nice – for a fake tree.

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Jan 232012
Savor your fur baby’s paw print forever and ever with this quality product sold by  The Paws of Fame – Paw Prints Keepsake Frame is a great product for the animal lover.  Yes, I can honestly say, this is a quality product.  I was given the opportunity to experience this product first hand – thanks Uncommon Goods!  
Uncommon Goods is a place where you’ll find products like this, as well as, Cat Lover Gifts, Gift Ideas in general for both men and women, and some of the Best Gift Ideas for Women you’ll find. 
Onto the Paws of Fame…what exactly is it?  It’s a 4-step kit that has everything you need to capture your fur baby’s paw print to display on the wall.  The frame itself is 12″ x 15″ that shows off the impression you capture using the imprint material.  You’ll also be able to display a         4″ x 6″ or 5″ x 7″ photo next to the impression. 
What you’ll find in the package: 
  • A beautiful wooden burnt red frame – resembling the color of cherry stain – It’s very rich looking
  • Glass for the frame – not a thin piece of glass either
  • A white mat for the photo and paw print to be displayed through – there is substance to the mat
  • A cardboard spacer – one of substance and is not flimsy
  • A golden brown colored mat (this is used to adhere the paw print to) – Again, a quality mat
  • The frame backing – this piece is a sturdy backing – not a flimsy piece of cardboard
  • A sticky to attach the molding material to the colored mat
  • An impression medium to capture the animals paw print – this is MESS FREE and NO baking, mixing – plenty of it too!
  • A ruler
  • A wooden dowel – personally, I used my rolling pin covered with wax paper – this worked much better than the dowel. The dowel is a bit short in length, in my opinion.  They also suggest one can use an aluminum can such a Pam can – I tried this, but found the rolling pin still did a better job
  • Instructions 

 What you’ll need –                                                              

  • The fur baby
  • A picture of your fur baby
  • Aluminum foil or wax paper – I used wax paper – for covering the book & rolling pin – I found not covering the rolling pin – the impression material stuck to the rolling pin as it did the wooden dowel
  • A sharp craft knife or something of the like
  • A cutting mat
  • A hard cover book – a larger book works better than a smaller book – trust me
Once you’ve captured the paw print on the molding material, you need to let it dry for a couple days.  You will find the corners of the molding material will curl up a tad bit, but don’t worry about it because you’ll be cutting that portion off anyway.  
When all is said and done – your Paws of Fame will come out just as beautiful as mine did (I took the picture below at an angle to eliminate the glare I was getting from the flash).  
Click to enlarge
Meet Gracie – she’s our canine fur baby who thinks she’s a cat. Maybe that is because she’s grown up with cats, and currently lives with 17 – thus claiming the laundry basket before a kitty does :).  
I will have this keepsake frame forever – I won’t ever be saying I wish I had done this come the time she is no longer with us.  I intend on buying another frame, which I will capture the paw prints of the two cats that I am extremely attached to.  I then will display both frames together on a wall.
Aug 082011
Their Story:
Two weeks ago this Tuesday our mother cat, Blossom Possum disappeared.  Where to?  We have no idea, as it’s not like a Queen to go far from her nest.  Beside the fact – this particular cat didn’t go far away from our home before becoming a queen.  We feel she was either stolen, a hawk came down and swept her away, or possibly even a coy dog came up to the house.  However, since it was during the daytime that she disappeared, we do not think it was the latter. Needless to say, I have been in mourning as I was quite attached to Blossom.  She was my alarm clock.  She slept with me at night. She had a great personality. She loved to be loved and loved to give love.  I was the one she chose to have her kittens with when she went into labor – waking me so I could help her.  Simply put – I was devastated she was missing.  My heart was broken for her babies.

Blossom and her kids – just beautiful!

So here we were with three crying kittens, no mother to be found, and they were hungry.  We had to act fast as kittens this small will dehydrate very fast – not something I wanted to see happen.  I knew we had a small animal baby bottle on hand, as I had nursed a baby squirrel my other half brought home years ago, that needed rehabilitating.  Therefore, I gave the kittens some milk to tide them over until I could get to the pet store to get kitten formula.  That worked.  Although the kittens had a bit of a hard time adjusting to the nipple at first, they actually caught on very fast once they figured out their food was coming out of that nipple.

Feeding time @ 3 weeks

Being a mere three weeks old, my daughter and I continued to feed them, burp them, and stimulate their hind end to urinate and defecate…just as their mother would do.  We did all this every 2 – 2 1/2 hours around the clock for the first week.  Today, the kittens will go roughly 3 – 3 1/2 hours before eating and a good 5-6 hour stretch through the night without being fed, and will potty and burp on their own.  In addition, in the beginning we needed to keep them very warm, as when kittens are first born they cannot see, cannot hear, cannot potty on their own, and do not hold body heat. For about a week they slept with me…snuggling right into my body.  I tried using a heating pad in the bottom of a box covered with a towel but the kittens kept crying – therefore in bed with me they came so I could catch a few winks until the next feeding.  Talk about feeling like I had a newborn baby on my hands!

Feeding time at 4 weeks – look at her hold the bottle!

They’ve now learned how to hold the bottle, come crying at my feet when they are hungry or want someone to hold them.  They were sleeping in their litter box…which I don’t get why…but have since moved themselves out and on the shelf under my desk where they lie on the router.  They are being somewhat mothered by a 4 mo. old kitten we have.  He cleans them up as if their mother would and has begun to play with them.  They haven’t started to eat solid or wet food yet – they are very disinterested in both.  I am hoping their new friend will show them the ropes so that they can move onto self-feeding.

For now though, they are thriving and I don’t see why they wouldn’t continue to thrive, given the care and love they are receiving.  We’ve had several people wanting the kittens when the time comes – but these kittens are already spoken for by – ME!

Suggestions for names, anyone?  There are two females and one male.  The black kitten is the male.  I like different names – we have a Mr. Mu, BBG, Studley Dudley, Miss Fabuleau, Dr. Who, Mr. Snapples, Snickers, Ollie Ollie, Nuzzles, Ella, Butter Butt, TuTu, and Dark Vader.

Jun 272011

Household Dangers for Cats and Kittens

 slat back chair

I stripped my bed today, washing all the bedding and vacuuming the mattresses. In putting it back together, I was reminded of why I had blankets covering my foot board, which led me to writing this post. I would like to share a few dangers found in the home that I now take precautions for when I have kittens, in particular; but also adult cats in my home…which is 99% of the time.

Sleeper Sofas
Have you ever thought of your couch being a hidden danger for kittens and cats? Well…it can be especially sleeper sofas. I’ve had a cat get her head/neck caught in the sleeper sofa bar, and in not knowing she was caught in it, people were sitting down on the couch which ended up killing her. It was a tragedy and I will never forget it.  What had happened is she had disappeared this one day and we thought someone either stole her or an animal got her. It wasn’t until she’d been missing almost two weeks before I could smell a horrible odor near the couch. We tore the couch apart to open it up and there she was. The couch was too far-gone to be saved between the bodily fluids and the odor.

Swivel/Rocking Chairs/Recliners
Kittens and cats love to sleep wherever they fancy at the time.  We are always cautious when sitting down in one of these types of chairs because we never know if one our fur babies has climbed up under or is lying on the floor underneath it.  FYI – recliners are one of the top causes of deaths of ferrets.

Kitchen/Dining Room Chairs slat back chair
Take a look at these chair’s back slats. They are wide at the top and then get narrower towards the bottom. I have had kittens, which naturally are learning how to climb and jump on whatever they seem to deem appropriate, that have slipped trying to get from one table to another using the chair as a go between. In doing so, they have lost their footing and have had their heads fall in between two slats – getting their necks caught between the slats as they slipped down further between the slats. The kitten is unable to get its neck out from between the slats and screams out.

I’ve had this happen to two three kittens with this type of chair.  If I have any kittens around, I now cover the back of the chairs with a heavy coat or thick blanket so this will never happen again.  All two three of my kittens survived as I was at home at the time to set them free.  *Note these are not the exact chairs I have but are extremely similar.  The slats are almost identical to mine.

Scroll Furniture
What about that scroll furniture?  A hidden danger?  Most certainly!!  The headboard you see to the right, is my headboard.  The footboard has the exact same scrolling. While lying in bed one night, a kitten we had was playing on the bed.  All of a sudden I heard him scream.  He had slipped into one of the scrolls and his head and neck were caught.  He survived…but again, I was right there to rescue him…what if I hadn’t been?

The Clothes Washer and Dryer
Although I have never had a cat or kitten parish in either my washer or dryer; I have heard of other cat owners who have lost their fur babies from them climbing in these appliances.  I have had them climb in these appliances when loading or unloading them, which has me very paranoid I might miss one climbing in, so I always double-check (the dryer in particular) before I turn it on.

Yes, these little creatures love to climb in the fridge.  I’ve had this happen on more than one occasion with kittens and adult cats.  I actually had one shut in the fridge.  She had climbed in and laid down in the back of the fridge on the bottom shelf while I was putting groceries away – I hadn’t seen her climb in.  It wasn’t until I heard a cat meowing. I went searching for where the cry was coming from and there she was lying on the bottom shelf wanting out.

Please share this post with everyone you know.  It could save a feline’s life.


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