Have you heard of BlogFriendlyPR.com (BFPR)? BFPR is a community where bloggers can connect in many different ways. It’s similar to Facebook groups but on a larger level. Bloggers benefit from there being a community forum. The forum is where one will find topics from connecting on social media, tossing around ideas, helping one another solve a problem, encouragement, networking, and much more. And, they hire bloggers for reviews/monetization (more on that below).
Let’s first talk about the networking – If you’ve never networked with other bloggers then it’s really worth your advantage to do so. You can learn so much and you might have something to offer that could be valuable to another blogger. You can gain more social media followers, join in on other blogger’s giveaways, learn of available opps, and learn tips and tricks to making your blogging efforts more productive. Seriously, networking IS great.
In addition, Blog Friendly PR is a place where they hire bloggers to facilitate a brand’s campaign. So, if you’re interested in campaigns that have been organized and coordinated for you, you’ll find these at Blog Friendly PR and without having to pay to receive the offers. And, you need not be an Elite member either. Personally, I really like this set-up. If I don’t want to apply for a campaign, I’m not obligated. I also am not overly thrilled with paying someone to find opportunities for me.
As I mentioned earlier on, there’s an Elite membership to the forum where one will find PR contact information, pitches from PR, monetization opportunities, and bloggers sharing opportunities outside of Blog Friendly PR. A fee is attached to being an Elite member. That said, before joining the BFPR Elite program, one can get a sneak peek at what to expect from a paid membership or a non-paid membership.
Take a tour of the BlogFriendlyPR.com site to see if you’d like to join this community – you have nothing to lose. BFPR can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
*This post was brought to you by BFPR – all opinions are 100% those of FCS.
Thanks for the recommendation! As I build my blog’s Biz Plan I am adding important things like this.