Apr 272011
A while ago, I posted an article on how black salve has saved me literally hundreds of dollars in Vet bills. If you missed that post, you can read it here. Today I would like to share with you another remedy you may find helpful during one of your fur baby’s lives…and all for the cost of a black tea bag and water.
Have you ever had a kitten or a cat with an eye full of gunk? I have had a couple over the past few years. And, I have successfully cured the cat’s eye issue without a vet visit. How do I do this, you ask…well…I simply steep a cup of black tea.
You can do this too, in a matter of a few simple steps:
- Steep a cup of black tea
- Let the tea cool to where it is warm (you don’t want to burn the cat’s eye)
- Using a washcloth or paper towel, dip an end into the warm tea…not wringing the tea completely out of the medium (towel/washcloth).
- Gently wash the cat’s eye to remove as much gunk as you can.
- Using a clean spot of your medium (towel/washcloth), dip it into the tea and squeeze 5-6 drops of tea on the eye.
- Repeat these steps for 3-4 days, 3-5 times a day (I usually steep one cup of tea and warm it as I need to during the day).
Within a short few days you should notice the eye opening fully again and no gunk coming out of it. If this isn’t the case, then it’s time to make a vet appointment.
Have a great day!
2 Responses to “Nearly Free Eye Remedy for Your Fur Baby”
Comments (2)
I don't have a cat, but love homeopathic remedies. I am your newest follower from Wired Wednesday. Hope to see you soon at crunchyfrugalista.com
Hello there, officially following you from Wed. Blog Hop : ) ) .. Lovely Blog.. Excited to get to read more of your posts.. Hope you stop by sometime.. Marilyn from http://www.theartsygirlconnection.blogspot.com/ TY..