Aug 242011
Are you an avid user of the bookmarks/favorites tool on your web browser?  I very much am.  And for me, I tend to bookmark away and end up having duplicate entries or don’t ever make it back to the bookmark in like…forever.  Then when I do, I then find the link is no longer any good.  This is where AM-Deadlink comes in.
It’s all in the bookmarks!

                                                click to enlarge

AM-Deadlink is a free software download on CNet. I’ve installed the program on several computers, over many years, and never had an issue. Once you open the program, it should run automatically. If it doesn’t, choose the browser you want the program to run on (top left) and click on the green check mark. Your screen then will show you what links are good (black and blue) and what ones aren’t (red).

The latest version will detect dead links in Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla and Firefox.  In Chrome; however, it detects them but you will need to manually delete the entries.  This is very easy to do when you open up “Bookmark Manager” (click on the wrench on the Chrome browser then to Bookmarks).  Simply copy the entry in AM-Deadlink and then paste in the search box in the organize folder.  All the bookmarks pertaining to that link will show up.  All you need to do is delete them.  
Be sure to check out the 3 fabulous giveaways you may like to enter.  Click on the Giveaway tab and you will be taken to them!  All 3 are cash or cash related…think Christmas! 
Make it a great day!

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