Sep 242018

Knowing how to pack a grocery bag is essential whether you are a shopper or a cashier. This post will bring you great tips on how to pack a grocery bag.  Before you start your packing process, you should first understand the different types of grocery bags (plastic, reusable canvas or polyester, paper) you want to use and the types of items. These items may include glasses, soft food, heavy pieces of stuff or objects, detergents and chemicals. Knowing these items will help you get your groceries to their destinations in one piece and without any damages or contamination.

If you do not want to see leaking liquids, squashed loaves of bread and broken eggs, then understanding how to pack your reusable tote bag will help you prevent such situations. Here are different tips that will help you understand how to pack a shopping tote bag.

Group Your Items

As you’re shopping or during checkout, it is essential to group your items into different categories such as produce, meat, fragile and cans. Normally none of these groups can co-exist in one shopping tote bag peacefully without one damaging or contaminating the other. The main reason as to why you should group your items is to prevent cross-contamination and know what to start with while packaging.

For example, you cannot place raw meat items in the same grocery bag with detergents or exposed fresh produce since the bacteria from your meat can contaminate the fresh produce. Also, fragile and perishable items such as grapefruits and apples should be placed in different bags and handled with a lot of care.

Pack Your Items in Layers

When packing your grocery tote bags, it is essential to start with heavy items on the bottom followed by the lighter ones on the top. You can pack your canned food items on the bottom and place products such as bread, eggs, and milk on the top. Also, you can expand your products into layers by providing vertical structures in the entire bag. Here are different layers to keep in mind when packing your grocery bags.

• Bottom layer which comprises of heavy items such as canned food, apples, beverage bottles, heavy boxes, carrots, and potatoes.

• Mid-weight items or the middle layer. This layer includes leafy items, plastic bags, hard vegetables and medium boxed commodities.

• Light items or the top layer which includes anything crunchy such as bread, eggs, soft fruits cookies and tomatoes.

Reinforce Your Grocery Bag

The packaging of grocery items come in various shapes such as square boxes, rectangular blocks spheres, cylinders and oblong shapes. You can use these structures and shapes to help you in the process of setting up sturdy foundations in your grocery tote bags. Make the items to stand upright to help you make the structure and prevent potential damages and spillages.

For example, you can set up or structure a series of cereal bags and boxes next to your bunch of bananas or make use of bags to cradle fresh leafy vegetables. Also, you should remember to place items such as canned chili con on the bottom of your shopping cart and place the bag containing eggs or bread on the top.

Do you pack your own grocery bags?  Were any of these tips on how to pack a grocery bag helpful to you? If you have other tips/suggestions, we’d love to hear them!

  5 Responses to “Tips on How to Pack a Grocery Bag”

Comments (5)
  1. im trying to be greener and use my own shopping bags,so this helps me a lot

  2. I am very concerned about eating healthier and helping the environment. I take my own bags.

  3. I love packing my own grocery bags, in fact I will go through self check out on purpose just for this reason alone. It bugs me when my groceries are packed the wrong way and things get crushed.

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