Aug 202013
Swagbucks High School Rivalry Week Competition starts NOW
All you need to do to participate is to:
- Go to the competition page {click here}
- Click ‘Enroll Me” – You’ll be assigned a school
- To earn points for ‘your’ school:Earn Swag Bucks via SBTV and SBTV Mobile (1 point per Swag Buck win),
Special Offers (2 points per Swag Buck win)
Surveys (4 points per Swag Buck win)
Who Wins:
- The team with the most points at the end of the competition
- Every member of that team who contributes at least one point gets a 25 Swag Buck bonus paid out no later than 8/30.
- Everyone who contributes to the 2nd place school will get a bonus of 10 Swag Bucks
- The person who earns the most points for each team will get a 500 Swag Buck Bonus.
Check the scoreboard regularly to see where your school stands. Head on over {here} to get started now. The Swagbucks High School Rivalry Week Competition ends at 12pm PT on Friday, August 23rd.