Sep 112011
There are days when I feel I am organized; and others, when I feel so overwhelmed that my head is spinning – and that’s no lie! When I am overwhelmed, I simply shut down.  I grab a cat, go to my room and turn the TV on.  I then stay there until it’s quiet in the house and I have my head put together a bit. I will organize in my mind what the most important things are that need tending to at the moment – and that’s all that will get done when I get back up.  Nothing more.

This is where I wonder if “Organize Yourself,” a new online service, might be a great tool for me.  Organize Yourself is a completely personalized service based on best-selling organizational books, and CUSTOMIZED to your hopes and strengths.  If you’re a procrastinator (yes, I think I fit into this category too) – they even have a report, “28 Ways to Stop Procrastinating” – as a bonus.

Do you have trouble being organized?  Can you see the benefits of this online service?  I am going to check it out – it could save me a lot of time, and time is money you know.  And maybe I could learn some tips and tricks so I am not so overwhelmed.

Check it out – come back and tell me what you think.  I love to hear your take on the service. Or if you already use this service…how do you like it?

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