Nov 052012

Welcome to our Pay It Forward Flash Giveaway!
Finger Click Saver has teamed up with Mommy’s Memorandum, Celebrate Woman and some of your favorite bloggers, along with Bea’s Gift Baskets to bring you this amazing giveaway!
One lucky reader will be winning a
Mrs. Claus Spa Basket
and we’re inviting you to pay it forward by nominating someone to win one too!
ABOUT BEA’S GIFT BASKETS AND GIFTS:Bea’s Gift Baskets and Gifts, owned by Bea Alexander, is committed to providing only the finest gourmet gift baskets and gifts. Chosen for the 31st Annual Emmy Awards Gift Baskets, and named by NAPW as Professional Woman of the Year (2011), Bea’s Gift Baskets and Gifts specializes in fabulous containers with elaborate designs for any occasion, and always offers the latest trends in gift basket design. The company offers a variety of gifts including gourmet baskets, personalized gifts. There’s something for any occasion all available worldwide.
Bea’s Gift Baskets and Gifts is where anyone can shop through a great selection of edible gift selections regardless of celebration. Visit and discover why we’re the gift baskets of choice.
If you wish any person in your life – Friend, Family, Blogger – to receive the same Mrs. Claus Spa Gift Basket, please fill out this Nomination Form. You can nominate ONE person each day this giveaway is live – from Nov 5 to Nov 10.
To win, just enter the rafflecopter below! *Open to US Residents Only
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Finger Click Saver is not responsible for prize fulfillment
17 Responses to “Mrs. Claus Spa Basket Giveaway”
Comments (17)
We like to donate to the salvation army and toys for tots. Because there are so many children and families in need.
Two of the girls have been knitting hats like crazy. And they have also mad
e 3 fleece blankets all of which are being donated in various directions. We also did a box for Operation Christmas Child.
I nominate my winnings for the people on the east coast to pay it forward.
We pay for the car behind us at the toll booth!
We usually like to do Operation Christmas child and give food for food baskets.
My wife Donna would love one this is going to be a lean year not that they are all not.
Please consider her she is the best person I know in the whole world.
We adopt a family from our local church to give gifts and clothes to! It’s a great feeling and the kids understand more about giving to others 🙂
We adopt a child thru our local market and buy that child gifts.
We try to pay it forward as much as we can year-round – but I will admit that we do sometimes get caught up in other things this time of the year and need to be better about remembering that we don’t need more stuff but lots of people need help.
This year is a really hard year for the community I live in as I am sure this is the case for most.
This year we are on board with the school and church who is making Thanksgiving Baskets for the families that may other wise not have dinner that day. Our contobution this year is not only are we donating some Pumpkin pies & Stove Top stuffing but we are trying to gather others who would like to donate as well! We need a total of 45 of each item, so far I have recieved about 10 of each with a few name still floating on my list. I would say in 2 days we are making progress! For christmas we are going to support a family! This really truly hits home becouse last year for the first time it was us that needed this help and my family got supported for x-mas, it was heart wrenching but a mirical at the same time. I am so glad my husband is back to work and we are able to giveback!!!
right now, me and my kids have to stay with my dad because we got kicked out of our place. so i can’t really pay it forward to anyone because I am struggling myself. I am just trying to give my kids a christmas as it is.
Helping those with less than us
Toys for Tots and a Sr group which I support
donating time and money to the salvation army
we always buy alot of christmas presents and donate them
Donate to salvation army
We usually donate stuff to organizations that give local kids in need presents.