Dec 052012

How exciting!  The Melissa & Doug Terrific Twenty Giveaway is back!

If you missed the Melissa & Doug Terrific Twenty Giveaway last month, or if you want more chances at winning one of their Terrific Twenty Holiday Gifts of 2012, here’s you chance!  *Enter every day – the prize of the day and winners will be announced on their Facebook page.  *The entry form is also the form used to receive their newsletter, (if you click ‘yes’), and a one-time 10% code off your purchase.  You will also receive a 15% off during the months of your children’s birthdays.

If you haven’t seen what is on the Terrific Twenty Holiday Gift list is for 2012 – you must check the gift list out!

Even if you don’t have small kids – you really might enjoy Suspend (the game is recommended for those 8 and up).   I had it in hand all of 15 minutes before my daughter insisted she tear into the package.  Well, that’s all it took.  She had everyone in her path playing with her. I even commented to her how the game was for under the tree and her response, “Don’t worry, mom.  I’ll put it all back together and put it under the tree after we decorate it – it will be there for Christmas.”  One would think she was 8 yrs. old – she’s not.  She’s fifteen!  I guess the game is a keeper 🙂

Remember – You can enter the Melissa & Doug Terrific Twenty Giveaway EVERY day!

  One Response to “Melissa & Doug Terrific Twenty Giveaway is BACK!”

Comments (1)
  1. Love Melissa and Doug items!

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