Mar 052012

Please forgive any issues you may encounter the next couple of days when visiting Finger Click Saver. I’ve taken the plunge and I am moving to WordPress Self-Hosted. I’m not exactly sure when the transfer will be complete; however, I wanted to give you a heads up. I am actually very excited over this, and a tad bit nervous, all at the same time. 

I am most nervous about not being able to redecorate the site like I enjoy doing all too much. As you can see – I redecorated Sunday because I have been aching to do it for a couple weeks now. I had put it off simply because I wasn’t sure how the transfer process would work. Well – when Kelly of Twenty70 Hosting said…the change wouldn’t affect my background – I was right at redecorating immediately. I am hoping to be good to go for a bit before I decide I need another change…or at least until I have a good idea on what I’m doing on WordPress 🙂

  2 Responses to “I’m Taking the Plunge!”

Comments (2)
  1. Love the new look and if I can do ok with WP, so can you!

  2. I've heard changing the background and header is just a matter of what I do now 🙂

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