Jul 122011

Editing friends on Facebook organizes what you see on your wall and does not remove them unless you want to remove them completely!

All us bloggers know that when we ‘like’ another’s Facebook Fan Page, we have to do this from our own personal Facebook page and not our Fan page.  After a while, ‘liking’ all these pages tends to clutter up your personal wall…making it difficult to see your ‘friend’s and family’s’ posts.  There is a very easy solution to this problem.  The solution will make it so that you don’t have to ‘hide’ all posts from someone, or delete that person/page altogether, which in return could make you miss something big.  So…let’s get started!

Here’s what you do:
1. Once logged into Facebook, click on the down arrow next to ‘Account’
2. You will then see ‘Edit Friends’ click on this
3. At the top of this page you will see ‘Create a List’ click on this
4. This brings you to a pop-up window
5. At the top you will see under ‘Create New List’ a box that says ‘Enter a Name’ in this box ‘name’ your list…for instance: Blogs I follow, Family and Friends, Companies…I’m sure you get it…whatever you’d like to name your list 🙂
6. Beginning clicking on the names/photos of who you want to add to this list/group you’ve just named
7. When done…click on ‘Create List’ add the bottom of this window
8. Continue creating as many lists as you see fit for your needs
9. You’re done that part!

Now when you view your wall…everyone who’s posted a status update…these all will still show no matter what list you have them categorized under…Until You…(this is the cool part)

1. Go to your wall (Home)
2. At the top you will see ‘Most Recent’ if it tells you there have been say…300 updates…click on that first   to update your wall page with all these status updates
3. Now you should see an arrow next to ‘Most Recent’ click that arrow
4. Look down the list and find the group you wish to view posts from.  Every group you’ve created will show on this list…amongst Games, Status Updates, Photos etc…Look further down.  If you have many groups, you will need to choose the ‘Choose Another’ link, which will bring up the rest of your groups that aren’t showing.  Now click on the group you want to see the latest updates from.  Now you are seeing posts from just that group on your wall!

Pretty Cool, huh?  This has organized my wall completely.  I don’t have to worry about missing a post from any friends or family members.  And, I can concentrate on all the posts from my fellow bloggers or companies I follow.

Make it a great day!

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