CarPET Scratch Stopper Saves Your Carpets from Cat Claws

As an owner of 13 cats, with owning an upwards of 27 once, I know the destruction that their claws can bring to a home. Though we don’t have any expensive carpets in our home; the furbabies still like to claw the carpets to sharpen their claws.
We do have a couple of low-pile sample carpets that are strategically placed in the home and we have area rugs. They do like to claw those – which works for me because I don’t want them clawing the furniture. The rug in the living room is their favorite though, as far as clawing goes. I also don’t cut their nails for the mere fact that they go outside.
Though from past experience should we ever decide to put carpets throughout our home; we’d need to invest in several of these CarPET Scratch Stoppers.

Cats hate being shut in – the first photo above really says it all. The CarPET Scratch Stopper is the perfect solution for saving those expensive carpets from claw damage – seriously carpets aren’t cheap to replace. Sometimes it just makes sense to put out the expense to save something from such damage.
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