Oct 232013

You have always had a love of animals. It first started when you were the ripe old age of three. Your mother got you a perfect little goldfish, complete with her own glass bowl with a little bridge for her to swim over and under to keep life a little exciting for Goldie (that is the unique name you came up with all by yourself). You took your job as Goldie’s caretaker very seriously. You fed her exactly the right amount of fish food both morning and night. Goldie lived far longer than goldfish normally live, and you credit this extended lifespan to your love and care for her. When Goldie did pass on to the big fish bowl in the sky, you buried her in a special spot in the backyard. You were heart broken. Your mother got you a little ceramic figurine that looked like Goldie. That became the first of the collection of animal statues that you would collect over the years.

Mr. T

After you sufficiently mourned the loss of Goldie, your father brought home the cutest, smallest fur-ball that was a kitten he found, abandoned by its mother, while at work. He knew you could care for this kitten like no other; Mr. T immediately became a member of the family (once again, stellar name. The show was popular at the time, and you “pity the fool” that makes fun of that name). You not only became a wonderful surrogate mother for Mr. T, but you also continued to add to your animal figurine collection. Thankfully, you didn’t have to lose a pet to get a statue or figurine. You picked them up as birthday gifts, Christmas presents, and just about any other time you saw one you loved.


Even as an adult, with children of your own, you still love animals, and you are still adding to your animal statues and figurines collection. You are getting pickier as your collection grows, so you are looking for more unique pieces, such as animal chairs to collect. You also look for the unusual pieces such as insects, frogs, and ocean animals to add to your collection.

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