Welcome to the $20 Amazon Flash Giveaway sponsored by Grateful Hoops and hosted by some really awesome bloggers!
A bit about Grateful Hoops:
Grateful Hoops offers a wide variety of products for hula hoop enthusiasts. Hand crafted weighted hula hoops, designed to burn calories and wow crowds, each with their own name, style and personality. These are custom hoops that come in a multitude of colors, patterns, and sizes. My hula hoops are made to last. They are not prone to breaking, bending or kinking. The hoops come in 2 weights: lighter for children and more advanced hoopers, and heavy for beginner adult and older children/teens.
Have an idea for a hoop? Just ask!

To complete the look – Customized Pixie Skirts and carrying bags are available.
These would make a great Christmas or birthday gifts. Think of the fun you, or someone you cherish, would have with a professional hoop!
You can find Grateful Hoops on Facebook.
Onto the Giveaway
One lucky winner will win a $20 gift code to Amazon.com. The Rafflecopter form will be manually shut down at 1:30 AM EST on 09/14/12.
Good Luck!
My day was hectic!
My day was ok. I went grocery shopping at the very crowded commissary.
My day was okay but my allergies are going nuts tonight.
My day was okay today 🙂
I had a great day! My boys both did well in school, and I managed to get a few things done around the house. Now I am trying to tackle my own homework, but my internet keeps crashing.
The computer world is nice – when it works. I have very little patience for when it doesn’t!
I had a wonderful very lazy day 🙂 Hope you had a nice one as well!
My day was crazy!
I have a great day today. I was off from work so I enjoyed the cooler weather with my wonderful baby boy!!
Pretty decent day today! Thanks for asking 🙂
My day was ok.
UTI, broken toe, made a lousy dinner, now hiding in the bath tub (God love the Nook). That ’bout says it all.
My day was great! How was yours?
I ordered supper out thanks to Papa Gino’s – they sent me a 50% off coupon. I’d order out every night if I could afford to – I HATE suppertime!
I had a very busy day! Had parent / child day today at my 3 younger son’s school.
Tired, slow day, lol. 7 months pregnant with baby #6 and not getting much sleep lately. 😉
~ Mara
good went shopping saved some money.
Now that’s a great shopping trip 🙂
My day felt like it would never end! But, it was a good day and I was able to get alot of things done.
I love Amazon they have sooo many things there!
i was nice, thank yoy!
my day was a couponing success 🙂
my day has been pretty wonderful. 🙂
Swell! How was yours?
Very tired today – but accomplished quite a bit of paperwork! Thanks for asking!
good 🙂
great day…just ate tooo much at a reception 🙂 thanks, simms3710@yahoo.com
My day was awesome! I got an B on my first Anthropology test and I spent my day with my baby boy as usual what is not to love!
My day was great got to spend it with my kids. With so many people around us suffering from some kind of illness or death in their family. It was just nice to spend time with my family knowing we are all healthy.
My day was Good…I like to count my Blessings …. =)
My day was pretty busy lots and lots stuff to do and no time left.. but thank god we had a great day .. I hope you had a wonderful day as well .Thanks for the chance
my day was stressful. found out my 4 year old and i will more than likely loose our insurance 🙁 arg!
Today was a little lazy and rainy.
P.S. I like your charity affiliation. I hope it gets some of that money!
its was just like a manicke monday. felt very rushed all day.
Another crazy day for this crazy mom of 4 kidz!
I had a great day! My 3 year old found my husband’s “missing” car key. She had out it away for him a few days ago without telling us. Lol!
It was great!
Just fine thank you 🙂
It was fabulous! I got lots of food for super cheap. I got free deoderant and 2 free hot wheels cars and a smores maker for 4.00. 🙂
Wow! That’s a good day!
It was a good day, worked a little and hung with my daughter.
way too long
I was sick all day so winning this would be nice 🙂
My day went well. I spent $1.29 at CVS and saved over $30 and got $5 extra care bucks, too. Whoo-hoo!
Crazy, chaotic, painful, beautiful, busy…any of the above lol. My children are both sick (4 and 18 months), and now my throats killing me. However, it was the first day that it felt like fall outside-it was just beautiful out! It was nice being able to take the kids out and get a nice long walk in. It was a great way to end our day 🙂
Jamie Anderson
msjamesteagall@yahoo dot com
My day was a day…
Its been okay, waiting for some luck to come my way 😉
Today was crazy – I felt 3 steps behind, emotionally drained and had a terrible migraine! But I got to take a nap before work which was fantastic!
I guess it was crazy and painful…hoping tomorrow is better 🙂
My day was a busy one!
Not too bad but it definitely could have been better 🙂
Long, very long. Not terrible but not great either.
my day started out ok, but then crashed n burned… borrowed my friend’s car and drove 50 miles so my son could go to the dentist (the ones here in town don’t accept our insurance)… while we were in town we met a friend for lunch since she lives there.. yay… got sick afterwards – not so yay… went to the dentist office 15 mins early like they told us to, and the door was locked… and so i freaked out for 10 mins and then they opened the door – meeting ran late, sheesh… then i’m told all they’d be doing was taking xrays and looking at teeth, the cleaning happens next month – sheesh! have they not seen gas prices?! and was also informed that he’ll need braces in a few years, first person in our family to ever need them – lovely (sigh)
bet you wish you hadn’t asked about my day, huh? lol
so, if that weren’t enough— i got a coupon on the back of my receipt from lunch for Great Clips – new location just opened $3.99 for a haircut… ok, i’ve been needing one… so i drive over there and get in the chair and get half my hair spritzed then the lady gets a phone call… 10 mins later she’s back spritzing and then tells me she can’t cut my hair because she found nits… ugh… so off to Walgreens I went to buy some Nix for my son… then drive home in the rain… with groceries… and no more freezer space… lol
Oh man! I guess your day was HORRIBLE! I’m glad you had the chance to vent…we all need that sometimes! You had a day where I would say, “I had enough of today, yesterday!” I went to Great Clips just last night. One opened a few weeks ago here. Although I liked the price, I would rather go someplace where they spoil me and wash my hair…it’s the only time I’m ever spoiled. How in the world did you get nits? Did your kids have them? I had to ban my daughter from visiting a family she LOVES because they had them. I so didn’t want to go through all that – been there done that never want to do it again – I’m sooo sorry you have to go through it! Tomorrow/today will be better. I will be thinking of you 🙂 Come vent anytime you’d like, I will always listen – might not be able to help, but I can certainly listen 🙂