Welcome to the Treats Card Giveaway!
Holidays are here. This is my favorite time to get mail is upon us. I love to receive holiday cards. Looking at how families have changed from the year before just amazes me. Sometimes I get so excited about receiving these cards that I forget to send out my own cards which makes my Christmas cards turn into New Year’s cards, which is fine by me. That is why I also look for cards that can be used for either holiday situation. I am very fortunate to have been able to receive some amazing cards from Treat.
I really had a hard time choosing which card that it was that wanted these are a few on my favorites. For Christmas Greeting Cards I had several favorites.
Santa’s Nice List was pretty cool and this snow couple was pretty cute.
And here is one of my favorites for New Year Cards.
Aren’t these cards adorable? You too can have some of these awesome cards to mail to your friends and family.
Enter to win 10 free Treat cards. All you have to do is use the promosimple form below to enter.
**You need java script enabled to view the form.
**Finger Click Saver is not responsible for prize fulfillment
tweeted https://twitter.com/pixystik4u/status/279717195049742336
I would use a cute picture of my son or one of my whole family to make a Christmas card.
My tweet URL because I had nowhere to leave it above… 🙂 https://twitter.com/hargygirl/status/279849798973136897
12/15 https://twitter.com/pixystik4u/status/279959988699549697