Oct 152018

FCS has teamed up with another blogger to bring you the giveaway:  Win A $25 Gift Card & ESPresident + ESPete: Sixth Grade Sense Plus 4 other individuals will win a copy of the book!

With the elections right around the corner I want to share with you a fun book for kids! ESPete in ESPresident: Featuring ESPete’s Psychic Joke Book If you have a child in 4th-6th grade you will want to check out this book and another book in this series called ESPete: Sixth Grade Sense. Both books are by Arnold Rudnick.

In ESPete in ESPresident: Pete becomes a reluctant candidate for class president in the premiere ESPete comic. You also get a bonus psychic jokes and puzzles!

ESPete: Sixth Grade Sense won a silver medal in the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards (2009) and Reader’s Favorite Awards (2010) and was a pick in Danny Brassell’s Lazy Readers Book Club (September 2012).

Meet Pete and his friends in the Moonbeam Award-winning chapter book ESPete: SIXTH GRADE SENSE. Pete figured there would be a lot of reading in sixth grade, but he didn’t count on adding the minds of his teachers and classmates to the list. Knowing what they think can be helpful sometimes, but it can also get complicated — ESPecially when Pete discovers the substitute teacher is thinking about a big robbery.

ARNOLD RUDNICK studied film and accounting at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, then moved to Los Angeles, where he worked in feature development at Paramount Pictures and Gary Lucchesi Productions. Arnold has written for many television shows, including THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR, STAR TREK: VOYAGER and THE NEW ADDAMS FAMILY.

Sponsored By: Arnold Rudnick

Hosted By: SavingYouDinero.com

  3 Responses to “Win A $25 Gift Card & the Book ESPresident + ESPete: Sixth Grade Sense Giveaway”

Comments (3)
  1. Goodness, I’m not sure! I have many that I could read over and over… maybe the Chronicles of Narnia, or The Secret Garden has always been a favorite!

  2. Charlotte’s Web is my favorite book of all time!

  3. Confessions of a Shopaholic – the book was so much better than the movie

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