May 032016

Three Ways to Save Money on Hair and Beauty Products

Hair.  Beauty.  Us ladies, and some men, really care about how we look.  The price to be beautiful can come with a high price tag but it doesn’t have to be that way.

When it comes to buying hair and beauty products, nobody wants to pay full price. Luckily, the internet has made it easy for consumers to save money when shopping online. From makeup to hair dye and everything in between, modern technology has made it so easy to find the best prices and sales when it comes to buying your beauty supplies online. But, because there is so much information out there, it can often be difficult to know where to start. Here are three great ways to save money next time you need to buy your hair and beauty products. Happy shopping!

Price Compare Websites

The first place to start is to figure out which stores have the cheapest prices and beauty products. You can do this by comparing websites that you know carry the products you are looking for yourself. You can also use a number of price comparison websites that will do the work for you. The advantage of these sites is that they can find stores that you may not have known carry the product. They also often calculate tax and shipping costs for you and can tell you if a particular product is available for store pickup in your area. This makes for a more comprehensive comparison. Try websites like Bizrate and Google Shopping.

Use Online Promo Codes

To get extra savings when shopping online, you should always check to see if there are any promo codes available for the store where you are shopping. Often companies advertise promo codes on their websites, but sometimes they are not as well marketed or given to individual affiliates to advertise for them. Luckily it is easy to find promo codes when you use websites that collect and consolidate them for a lot of stores. Promo Pro is a great example. Here you can find tons of great promos, including Hair Planet discount codes. RetailMeNot is another popular promo code website. You can also use these sites to rate whether the promo worked and find codes for similar products and stores.

Download Money Saving Apps

Finally, if you have a smartphone, you can find additional savings for hair and beauty products. Many stores have their own apps, where you can download digital coupons to use online or in stores. You can also find special promo codes and discounts here, often by making purchases through the app itself. Other apps, such as Ibotta, can get you rebates for buying certain products both online and in stores.

Follow these three easy steps and you will be well on your way to saving tons of money next time you shop online for your favorite hair and beauty products!  Saving is money in your pocket.  It doesn’t get better than that!

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