Treat’s One-to-One Holiday Card Collection – Now with Digital Option

The Christmas Holiday is nearing and Treat’s One-to-One Holiday Collection is more than a fantastic option for making personalized Christmas cards…with most cards now having the digital delivery option.
The One-to-One Holiday Collection makes a great choice for those who don’t have a lot of people on their Christmas Card list or want to send ‘special cards’ to a select few. Want to send a card to the Grandparents? You can do just that. Have a special friend you want to send good cheer to? You can do just that. You don’t have to buy 25 of the same card for everyone any longer!. Now you buy and personalize the card for just whom it’s intended! Oh – I think the coolest idea of them all, send the kids a card from Santa and personalize it.
DIGITAL Delivery Options – You Betcha!
That’s right! Most of their cards now come with a digital delivery option. For me – this is way too cool, because I often find myself forgetting to send cards until the last minute. With digital delivery – if I wait until the weekend before Christmas – I’m still good to go. Plus, the cards that have the digital delivery option available – are ninety-nine cents ($0.99¢). These are really cool as when one gets the card – it’s like they’ve received it in the mail arriving in an envelope and stamp….take a look:
Don’t forget Treat’s photo gifts. These make a great gift for anyone! I find the grandparents really enjoy the photo mugs. Do you like to send letters with your cards? Or just because? Or thank yous? Treat has some really nice personalized stationary options for doing just that.
FLASH Giveaway
Up for winning – 1 mug and 1 set of personal stationery – 1 winner – US only. This giveaway will end 11/23/2013!
I like the Yuletide Dream : Spanish Red.
I love the card: All Times Loved- so adorable!!
I like the All I Want for Husband card 🙂
I love the Hipster Holiday card,mostly for the bicycle on it lol!
I like the kids naughty or nice picture Christmas card.
warm wishes holiday card
Too bad I already have this year’s cards.
That’s a bummer Karen! Maybe you could gift the winnings if you won?