Dec 172014

Things that Will Breathe New Life into Your Bedroom

As much as you would love to completely redecorate your bedroom, you probably won’t even consider doing that until after your kids are grown and finished school. Maybe, just maybe, you won’t have so many expenses then. Although, you could be paying for college, a wedding or saving up to take that dream vacation you’ve been waiting your life for. So, perhaps that remodel will never come. Thankfully, you can breathe new life into this space by just adding one or two of the elements on this list to your room.

1. Water Features – These beneficial art pieces naturally become a focal point in any room they occupy. If are looking to find water features online, Stores like Luxe Water Walls have some stunning options. In addition to changing the look of your room, it will improve the air quality and help you sleep better, as well.

2. Window Treatments – Do you dream of having remote-controlled shades like you see in the movies? This will allow you to hide the sun when you want to sleep in on the weekend, or open the shades from bed so the sunlight can motivate you to get up. Custom window treatments are a smart investment. Many come with a lifetime warranty and they improve the resale value of the home. Assuming you would leave them behind. Warranties typically transfer.

3. Fireplace – Whether you are enjoying some alone time with your significant other or having a movie marathon with the kids in bed on a snowy day, a fireplace will create a cozy space. You can add a bio ethanol, electric, or gel fireplace to your bedroom with no venting needed. A wall one would be the best option, if you have young children. Otherwise, you could go with a freestanding one, too.

4. Paint – Before you turn your nose up at the idea because you simply do not have time to paint, understand that you don’t have to do the whole room. Paint that bold accent wall you have been considering for a while. Look online at color swatches and have an idea of what colors you are interested in. While you’re out running errands, pick up the paint so you have it handy. If you know you want to paint tomorrow while the kids are at school, have the trims taped today so the space is ready. As soon as they get on the bus, open the paint, and get the wall done. It will barely take any time at all,, and it will have a huge impact on your space.

What is your favorite way to spruce up your bedroom?

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