Jan 012012
Identity theft is a huge problem in today’s world. I was astonished when I learned how one’s ATM pin numbers can be captured by a thief right at an ATM. Thermal Imaging, although it hasn’t become widely adopted by criminals because of the expense involved for the equipment needed, is one way they (thieves) can accomplish this. This can be accomplished even if you try to block the keypad while you type your PIN number in. The harder you press the keypad buttons – along with your body temperature, affect the results. Research has found that plastic PIN pads hold the heat from your fingers in longer than metal pads, making it that much easier for these crooks. This way of identity theft could become more prevalent…then what? That’s one reason you need to protect your identity and IdentityHawk could be a solution for you.
Then there are other ways at the ATM your PIN number can be stolen. Bank of America had an incident take place in 2010 where thieves had installed an unauthorized card swipe device on an ATM at one of their branches in Mountainside, NJ. This type of scam is called skimming. Your ATM number is stolen – your PIN number is stolen – your identity – is stolen. Protect yourself against this type and many other types of identity theft with identity theft protection.
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