May 122011
I wrote a post a while back on how much our family uses the Kids Bowl Free Program during the summer months.  Go here to read that post if you’d like a refresher on what I wrote.  

Well, I just got notification registration is now open…for just the kids and for the family pass.  I am ecstatic!  My daughter’s grandfather has asked me…I don’t know how many times…if it’s time to sign up again! He wants to purchase the family pass.  I’m telling ya, the man truly should own stock at our local bowling center.  He’s bowling two nights a week this summer on leagues and skies out whenever he can to get a few strings in.  His wife will send him to the store and he’ll be gone for hours!  Now that the program is up and running, he’ll be asking me if he can pick my daughter up after school so he can take her bowling…just so he can bowl two strings at no cost for either of them (they own their own shoes).  

For the $25 fee for the Family Pass…it’s money well spent.  Our bowling center charges $3.50 a string.  So if Pa and Abby were to bowl just twice all summer using this program…he’s gotten his money back.  Since they bowl more like…3 times a week using this program…he saves at least $500.  But don’t forget…4 adults can be on the family pass.  So, the savings can be even more for a family. Several times during the summer, all four family members and my daughter, will go using this same pass.  And then there are times, when my daughter and her cousin will go w/o Pa.  The savings really adds up.

Here’s the deal for signing up before Sunday 5/15/11:

Adding the Kids Bowl Free Family Pass to your account will allow up to 4 adults in your family to receive 2 FREE Games of bowling each day this summer too.  Using the family pass just a time or two will prove to be a great value for your family.  Plus, if you add the family pass before this Sunday you’ll receive a $25.00 Gift Code too. (Taken from my email notification)

Did you know this about bowling?

1. Bowling just 2 Games with a couple of your friends completes 40 of your 60 minutes of   physical activity for a day.
2. Like walking with free weights it works a lot of muscle groups not normally exercised.
3. Bowling 2 games results in walking around a half a mile.
4. Bowling 2 games can burn between 320 – 580 calories!
5. Bowling 2 games exercises 184 muscles while swinging around 576lbs!

So there you have it.  Bowling can be quite the way to exercise without sweating like a pig. 

Okay…so now the beginning of my today has been made, and I have shared it all with you (thank you)…I am off to watch Law and Order SVU, then off to sleep.  Have a great day everyone!


  2 Responses to “Sign up before Sunday for Kids Bowl Free Family Pass and receive a free gift”

Comments (2)
  1. Hi – I'm your newest follower from today's social hop – looking forward to your posts.
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  2. Someone else just told me about that! I'll have to sign the kids up for it – thanks!

    following back from the hop!

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