Jan 122013

Pyrex 11-Piece Bake and Store Set $19.99 Shipped – that’s $1.81 cents per piece!  I love baking with Pyrex and this Pyrex Set is super nice because it comes with lids. Unlike many baking pans, you never have to worry about the aluminum transference into your foods; nor do you have to worry about the coating used to make pans non-stick, flaking off into your foods.  Plus, you save energy when baking with glass because if you use a glass pan – you drop the oven temp down 25 degrees.   With the covers – you save on saran wrap and aluminum foil for what’s left over and you can also take your dish with you to an event knowing that the cover will stay on.

Don’t like the color of the covers?  Just think – you will never have a problem finding them because of their distinct color.

Pyrex Easy Grab 11-Piece Bake-and-Store Set

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