Mar 012012
I do everything online – it’s literally my connection to the outside world.  I instant message, I  Facebook, I email, I research, I blog, I pay bills, and I shop.  When I shop or pay bills, if I have a question that I need an answer to – I immediately look for either an email address or a toll free number, depending on what time of the day it is.  That being said, I am very irked if a business can’t be bothered to include an 800 number for their customers. Businesses don’t think twice about making sure their outbound calling solutions are taken care of whether it be 0845 charges or local state businesses.

What makes businesses think I want to utilize their services/products or buy from them if I have to be the one to pay for the call?  This is an expense they are able to write off…I can’t write off a long distance call; nor can I make them for free – as I don’t carry long distance on my phone line.  In addition, I share minutes with four others where my cell is concerned. That being said, if a company doesn’t have a free number for me to contact them…I’ll send an email. That email better be answered in a timely manner, because if it isn’t, I won’t do business with them at all.

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