If you’ve never experience Zaycon’s 100% natural, boneless, skinless chicken breast – you don’t have a clue what you’re missing out on. This chicken is delectable. You can read more on their company and process in reading this post or this post.
Today is the last day for North Easterners to take advantage of the $1.49lb special with the promo code NORTHEAST149. This code will take .40 cents off per pound of chicken! – But the special ends today – so don’t wait to get your savings.
Yes, you have to order 40 lbs at a time, but if that is too much for you – team up with friends and family members to split the cost.
Sign up is super easy. You can do that here. Then search your area for upcoming events. The process is super simple.
If you do order – come back and tell us what you thought of the process and the chicken. We can’t wait to get ours.
***Signing up thru the links above will give us a sign on bonus – which in turn – get your link to share with your friends and family (found under “account”).