Feb 272016

How Sleeping Positions Affect Your Life

When you’re lying in bed, awaiting for your brain to shut off from the day that was, what do you think about? Perhaps, your mind is preoccupied, ruminating about tomorrow’s concerns of deadlines, meetings, bosses, economical issues, family problems, relationship,  etc.

For every man, woman and child who has no difficult drifting off into their own personal ‘dream realm,’ there is someone who is; pondering about life’s many challenges, goals and aspirations they may have. And if you’re someone who finds getting to bed a difficult venture, perhaps it’s time to start reevaluating not just what you think about at night, but the way in which you sleep, physically.

That’s right, since birth, we have a predisposition to sleep a certain way, which may or may not be a problem when we wake in the morning. Just as we develop habits in our everyday lives, we also do in our subconscious state, and as our body develops its preferred positioning location—we automatically ‘assume the position.’ This would explain why changing our sleeping-position is not as easy one would assume; in fact, it takes months and even years of premeditated effort to develop new muscle-memory that allows you to recognize how your body should (and want to) sleep at night. Additionally, the way our body is positioned at night explains a lot more than that creaky neck, ache back and sore hip; but, in fact, details our stress-levels, health, ability to focus and concentrate, happiness, productivity, etc.; furthermore, this may additionally affect personality traits, relationships, sex-life, brain oxygen levels, and so on.

So, if you’re someone who wakes up in morning feeling pain, it may be time to begin experimenting with different positions or purchasing an adjustable bed, using more pillows, lying on your side, using a wedge-foam in between your legs, placing blocks underneath the bed frame or even changing your bed’s elevation level.

Ultimately, we are all different, and what’s ideal for someone may or may not be for you. There is really no right or wrong way to sleep—but the way you’re currently sleeping may not be the best position for you. Now is the time to begin recognizing what’s going on in your life, how you feel in the morning (physically AND mentally), your sleeping history, your ability (or inability) to go to sleep without hesitation, etc. Whatever it is you’re enduring in your personal life, it may be a result of the way in which you’re sleeping.

Here are the 4 most common sleeping positions:  

1.) The Prone Position

Also known as the “Resting Toddler” position, the prone position is when an individual sleeps on his or her stomach with arms extended and bent. People with or in the beginning stages of developing Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), may benefit from this position. Studies suggest that the prone position helps to dilate the upper airways, helping air reach the brain more efficiently. Sleepers in this position are known to behave in more compulsive tendencies, tend to be more stubborn and/or think less analytically.

2.) The Royal Position

Sleeper sleeps supine (opposite of prone position) with arms lying in 180 degree along hips. The reason for its dignified title is because sleepers who utilize this position are known to have stronger personalities of self-confidence or self-involvement.

3.) Semi-Fetal Position

The most common of sleeping positions. The semi-fetal position is when a sleeper initiates a side pose, with knees slightly bent, one arm overhead and outstretched. Most sleep experts and researchers believe this position to be the safest in terms of receiving a full night’s rest and/or feeling least aching in the morning. Known to think logically, semi-fetal position sleepers maintain positive relationships and can focus most efficiently than other poses.

4.) The Full-Fetal Position

Also known as the “Womb Pose,” the full-fetal position is pretty self-explanatory. Sleepers lie in curled position, with knees close to stomach and head bent forward. Many believe sleepers who go to bed in this position are highly emotional individuals, who may or may not have had “highly intense relationships” with family or romantic life; furthermore, and oddly enough, sleepers in this position are also known to be more sexually active and women maintain a heightened capacity of achieving multiple orgasm.

Image: https://pixabay.com/en/bed-sleep-rest-girl-white-tired-945881/


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