Apr 122011
Our keyboards come equipped with an ‘end’ key.  It’s located in the section between your type pad and calculator on most keyboards.  Well, this little key can be very useful if you need to get to the end of a webpage.  Just tap the ‘end’ key and you will be brought to the bottom of the web page.

When would using this key be most useful? When you know what you are looking for on a website is clearly at the bottom of the page or if you are entering a blog giveaway and there are many entries before you get to the form at the end to fill out your entry.

When you’re working with a PDF document, the ‘end’ key brings you to the last page of the document.  When working on a word document, you may have to hold down the ‘control’ key while pressing the ‘end’ key depending on what program you are using.

  3 Responses to “Have you ever wonder what the “END” key is for on your keyboard?”

Comments (3)
  1. Thanks so much for the info and for following my blog! Following back 🙂

  2. I knew that the end key is useful to get to the end of a webpage but I have never tried it for a PDF document!! Thks for the tip.
    Returning the love from Ourfamilyworld

  3. I didn't know that. I learned something new today. 🙂

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