It’s Eco-friendly! It’s Non-toxic! It’s a concentrate! It’s Genesis® 950!
I need you to meet my new favorite cleaner! I’m so excited to tell you about Genesis® 950 Concentrate – an Eco-Friendly non-toxic cleaner. This cleaner has no ammonia, no alcohol, no bleach and it effectively cleans without harmful toxins, unpleasant odors, or dangerous chemicals. I love this Eco-friendly non-toxic cleaner that is a great carpet cleaner, great pet stain remover, great wall cleaner and so much more!
I was sent a bottle to review and my mission with this cleaner was to see how well it lived up to cleaning area rugs. Historically, I have used a commercial carpet cleaner in my carpet cleaning machine and know they do a good job; but they also come with the drawback of having a lot of toxic chemicals that can seep into our skin if you walk on the wet carpet. These toxic chemicals can enter our pet’s bodies through their paw pads too 🙁
There was no doubt in my mind that I could really put the cleaner to the test. With having kids, yard attendants, fourteen cats and a dog, I’m sure you can imagine how nasty my floors get. It is a necessity that I wash the hardwood and laminate flooring often, and the area carpets at least twice a year. Two of our kitties have tummy issues on occasion. And, as gross as this may sound, one had thrown up on the carpet shortly after I was notified that I would be able to review this product. Well – I decided to take a chance and leave the stains on the carpet to see how well this product lived up to what it says it does – after reading the FAQ’s found on their website.
The FAQ below is what I based my decision on:
Will Genesis 950 remove pet stains and odors?
Yes. Unlike other cleaners, Genesis 950 is a concentrate activated by water. Other cleaners may lighten the stain or mask the odor temporarily. Genesis 950 actually gets into the stain and when absorbed, will break the bonds of a stain. When a stain’s bonds are broken, it lifts from the surface. By lifting the stain in this manner, Genesis 950 will remove the visual stain as well as the odors attached to the stain. Genesis 950 is also a deodorizer and a disinfectant. Not only will Genesis 950 remove the stains, but it will make your carpet, rugs and furniture look like new.
Did you see where the product is a deodorizer and a disinfectant, in addition to breaking down and removing stains? Those are fabulous properties of the cleaner that I love. The stain I referenced above was a brownish – reddish color from the cat food the cat had thrown up. You know there has to be lots of germs and an odor that comes with it – just like when us humans vomit.
Here’s a picture of the stains:
I began to do what I had set out to do – I put the cleaner to the test. Though – much to my surprise – when I moved the table off the rug (table sets up against the wall) I found a huge stain on my carpet. It appeared to be another vomit stain. Whomever cleaned the mess never bothered to tell me that there was a huge stain that needed to be cleaned (I know – it’s really hard for someone to say – one of the cats puked but I didn’t clean it all up). I kind of flipped out – it’s a good thing that you weren’t around to hear me. Needless to say, I could’ve forgone the stain I purposely left and tested the cleaner on that stain. Oh well…a day late and a dollar short 🙁
Take a look at that unexpected stain I found:
Not just a ‘little’ stain either. Okay so I got over myself and pretreated both stains above with the spray bottle mixture of 7 parts water 1 part cleaner, just as I did with the ‘whatever’ you see in the picture below:
I then began to clean the carpet using my carpet cleaner. I was using the Genesis® 950 in the carpet cleaner as well. When I do clean the carpets, I take my time to go over them really well with the cleaner and then I always use plain water in the carpet cleaner to rinse the rug. I always rinse several times (it’s said that soaps attract dirt). I was pleasantly surprised at how well the stained areas came out – especially the one that I had no knowledge of.
Here’s an after picture of the rug. The entire rug came out looking just as you see it in this picture! This picture references the smaller vomit stained area you see in the first picture above.
Not only that – notice the difference in the colors of the rug! The rug was filthier than filthy – I wouldn’t have thought it was that filthy! Here – I’ll do a side-by-side view for you:
- before
- after
Needless to say, I was very impressed with the results. And I love the fact that I don’t have worry about the animals walking on the wet rug and having toxins seep into their paws 🙂
The ‘whatever’ area shown in the picture above – came out too. This required a bit more work on my part. I had pre-treated as I had said earlier, I then used the carpet cleaner on it but it wasn’t coming out. So I got myself a butter knife and scraped it gently. Whatever it was – it was stuck to the rug’s fibers real well. I am glad that I had done the steps beforehand that I had, because I do feel that the solution softened the ‘whatever’ it was, and helped in not ruining the rug’s fibers as I scraped the gunk off.
Equally impressive – whilst I was busily cleaning the carpet my other half was cleaning the walls in the laundry room and kitchen – without my asking! He was using the diluted Genesis® 950 cleaner in the spray bottle to do so. Not only were the walls being rid of the grease and grime, he kept saying, “I love the smell of this cleaner.” Let me tell you – had I known of this cleaner before now – I would have bought some LONG ago! I could have been spared washing walls just because he loves the smell of the cleaner 🙂
Speaking of the smell of the cleaner. It’s not a strong scent by any means. It did not irritate my nostrils or airways like some cleaners do. I would describe the scent as being a light airy scent but not that of a room freshener…more subtle of a ‘clean’ scent.
I had also cleaned a spot of a quilt that sets on the back of the sofa. Miss Fabuleau (cat) had vomited up her food. I immediately sprayed the cleaner on it and used a clean rag to clean the area. The area came out clean – without discoloring the fabric. I would have posted pictures for you however someone moved the quilt before I could capture an after shot. I did go looking for where I had used the cleaner but was unable to tell where the spot was. That is a good thing though – that tells you that the product works!
Right now, as I am typing this, I am letting the cleaner soak on a grease spot under a stove burner. This spot would be a well-cooked on spot that I haven’t been able to get clean for years. Anyway, I keep going back to scrub it a bit and then let it soak some more and with a little elbow grease – the spot is coming off!
So…you’re wondering what else can you use this on?
The Geneisis® 950 Concentrate has many uses:
- Floors
- Appliances
- Counters
- Cabinets
- Clothing/Uniforms
- Shoes/Boots
- Microfiber
- Suede
- Leather
- Engines
- Transmissions
- Wheels
- Grills
- Machinery
- Tools
- Granite
- Marble
And it can be used on many surfaces:
- Ceramic Tile
- Stainless Steel
- Fiberglass
- Plastic
- Painted wood
- Chrome
- Carpet
- Concrete
- Upholstery
It’s said to safely remove:
- Grime
- Grease
- Soot
- Tar
- Ink
- Vegetable oils
- Insect residue
Now that is quite the concentrated cleaner – in my opinion. Given how many gallons of cleaner one gets from the concentrate and given what it’s able to clean – it makes for huge savings on cleaning supplies. Even better, depending on your needs, Genesis 950® can be purchased in pints, quarts and 1 gallon containers online. Genesis 950® is also available in 2.5 and 5 gallon cubes.
Oh – one tip I would like to give you – if you use vinegar at all, which I do a lot and store in the cleaning closet, I found it necessary to mark the bottle of Genesis® 950 with a permanent marker “NOT VINEGAR.” I did this because when the bottle of cleaner is next to the bottle of vinegar – they look a lot alike if the labels aren’t facing you.
Guess what? You’re going to have the chance to win a gallon of the very same cleaner. Very cool, wouldn’t you say? You’ll also get the spray bottle I received as well. You’re going to love this spray bottle. It’s not a flimsy plastic with a flimsy sprayer – it has substance! Yeah, I have issues with cheaply made spray bottles.
Go enter and good luck! Whoever is the lucky winner of the gallon of Genesis® 950 – I’d love to hear what you think of the product 🙂
Don’t want to wait to see if you’re the lucky winner of the giveaway – head to http://www.genesis950.com where you can purchase it.
Note: Product canNOT be shipped to a PO Box.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Believe it or not, I am excited about trying this on cat puke! My cats seem to find the sneakiest places to hack up hair balls, and by the time you find them they are days (weeks? months?) old. Real challenge as far as I am concerned.
I am most anxious to try it on the pet stains on my carpet…..Especially in the living room..
my sons bedroom carpet is horrible, i would try it there first!
Did this work in your sons room? I used this for my son’s room as this is where my dog preferred to pee. I used my carpet cleaner, and I almost think it made it worse. Just wondering what your experience with it was
Kirsten – if the odor and urine have gone through the padding and into your floor boards – that may be where the issue lies. I don’t know as if anything would get rid of the odor but I certainly would try vinegar straight up.
I am ALWAYS having some kind of icky spots on the carpet ( 2 pups not fully housebroken), and people spill soda and whatnot on the carpet. We have wall to wall in the living room, hallway, and each bedroom ( 4 of them!) plus we have a baby that is 2 weeks in the house. So yes, this would be so wonderful to have!
Try it on my floors,possibly the rugs
Some dirty tile
I would like to try cleaning my area rugs
I am most excited to wash my walls with this cleaner.
Cleaning up dog urine
I remember when our dog was a pup – seemed like that’s all I did. Out came that Little Green Clean Machine – way too often!
My son is potty training, so I’d love to try it on rug stains!
The rug on my living room has the same stain on the rug in the picture above, but I have a few more because of my 3 year old.
Funny how toddlers can make such stains – I think it’s their job.
My living room floor where my baby is learning to crawl!
Oh Lettie! I so remember that stage and how protective I was about her crawling on the rugs. Drove me crazy at times. This product would be perfect knowing that it’s non-toxic, disinfects and deodorizes:)
I would like to use this in my 5 year olds room to clean the chocolate milk off the walls and floor
bedroom carpet
Im excited to try it on my wall to wall rugs that have 10 years of stains on them
I would use this on my children’s mattresses! The beds have been peed and the mattresses have been flipped, and scrubbed, but I bet this cleaner would work better than the no-name stuff I’ve been using..
I would like to try it on my range hood.
I am so excited about trying this product out on my livingroom carpet because my son spilled pop all over it and I would love for them to be clean. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!!!
Oh Tina – I sympathize. My living room carpet has soda on it too and given that I’ve finally ordered a new couch – I might just have to get a new rug too. I don’t know as if I really want to spend my time cleaning the rug when I might just see the new couch and say – oouuu, I don’t like this old rug with it. In the next breath – I was told once by a professional carpet cleaner to keep a bottle of club soda on hand and when soda or other beverages got spilled on the carpet to immediately pour the club soda on the spill and it will take it out – including drinks like Hawaiian punch. Of course, I didn’t listen and now have a stain 🙁
I am excited to try this on pet messes.
We live on a farm, do I need to say more? Thanks
Nope Dee – you need not say anymore 🙂
i have used this product to clean pet and toddler urine–and other general messes off the carpet. it works better than anything i have ever used. basically, it just works- it works as it say it does– it works extremely well. with 5 kids and 2 pets, carpet drama is the sole reason that i originally purchased genesis 950. However, the bonus is that it can be used for a million other things (ok, maybe only half a million), so the product is a flexible multi-tasker, which is much appreciated by this super- busy mama!
Bless your heart Kristi…five kids? You surely have your hands busy busy! Nice to hear that you’ve used the product and have had great results. It does simply, ‘just work.’ I am super pleased with the product too.
Our dog was assaulted three nights ago. He was stabbed and his face was slashed with a knife. He came inside bleeding like crazy! There was blood everywhere throughout the house as we tried to figure out what happened and get him to an emergency hospital. We came home and cleaned it up as well as possible, but there are still stains in the carpet. That is the big cleaning concern at the moment.
More importantly, he is okay! Lots of stitches and he is scared to go outside by himself, but he’s improving and will be okay physically! 🙂 Poor boy.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
This all sounds fantastic but where can I get it?
Hi Barry – you can purchase the product at http://www.genesis950.com. Make it a great day!
i have an area rug that is in dire need of an excellent product
My living room carpet could use this.
A wonderful product would love to try it!
I am most excited to try this out on my walls. I would hate to guess what is on them from the people before me. Planning to replace all the walls but thats further down the road.
That cleaner should looks like it works my daughter with her kids and dog sure could use it
I just ordered Genesis 950 for a dog urine stain in my beige carpet. He had been marking there for a while and I didn’t notice. I have used EVERYTHING to get the stain & odor out. EVERYTHING! Even a professional steam clean didn’t do the job. The carpet has a yellow tint to it and it still smells like urine. My carpet is only a few years old and I am so frustrated. I think I have bought a bottle of everything Pet Smart sells and it doesn’t work. Genesis 950 is my last resort. I am hoping all of the other stuff I’ve used didn’t set the stain in and/or color the carpet permanently?
Has anyone tried Genesis 950 on an OLD PRETREATED urine stain on a carpet?
Patti – I hear your frustration. I can’t say that I used it on old pretreated urine stains. Have you checked the Genesis website’s FAQ’s? In any event, I think trying this product would be worth a shot. You may need to wash the area several times over if there is a padding under the carpet, as the padding could be holding in the stain and smell. If you do try it – come back and let me know how it worked.
I can’t find where to order or the price. where are they?
Hi Adelle – please go here >>> http://www.genesis950.com/ You’ll find all the information you’re looking for.