Aug 032014

August 3 through 11:59pm PT August 4, 2014

Treat is offering unlimited digital cards for FREE! Yes, unlimited and free in the same sentence!

Unlimited Free Digital Cards from Treat - 24 hours only!


  • Create and send as many digital cards as you want for 2 days, as well as use the ‘schedule ahead’ feature.
  • There is no promo code required – All digital cards will be priced at $0!
  • Ends at midnight Pacific Time on 8/4.
  • Available to new and existing customers

Start designing yours – think Birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Just Because……

Jan 102014

Save Time and Money with the Favado Mobile Savings App

You’ll discover the best deals in more than 65,000 drug and grocery stores nationwide.  The app uses real-time couponing data – providing you access to exclusive matching deals (coupons plus in-store promotions) for ultimate savings. Other features include planning tools for weekly shopping trips and insider access to unlisted deals.  Sign up {Here}

Enjoy your savings!

Jun 092012

AboutOne – a FREE online organizer can help you get organized and not worry about where you put that paper or asking yourself – what time was I suppose to be there?  Or saying, I will have to look when I get home.

There’s something to be said about keeping everything organized in your life.  With so much in today’s world to keep up with, and the ability to access the Internet from just about anywhere you are – it makes sense to have all that you need organized in one place with no papers to have to fumble through (I tend to find myself mis-filing a lot of my papers just because there are SO many!)

Sign up for AboutOne and manage all your household information for free online.  If you don’t like the platform – you’ve lost nothing because it’s FREE.

Mar 122012

Summer is coming – vacation time will soon be here for many.  Would a trip to Alaska be a destination option?   Grab this FREE Official State Guide Book to learn more (please don’t tell my daughter about this…she wants to go where Polar Bears live).

Dec 152011

It’s not too late to sign up for UPS My Choice.  This service has been my best friend the past few weeks as back in Sept. the town I live in changed our street name and number.  Because of the change, most places I’ve ordered Christmas gifts online through don’t recognize the change nor – do the GPS systems.

Needless to say, many of the gifts I ordered would be headed back to the distribution center as the UPS driver can’t find my house. However, since I am signed up for this service, I receive an email as to when a package is due to arrive.  This enables me to watch for the UPS truck and catch him as he goes by.  Of course, there’s more to this program…check it out…receiving the emails before delivery is only one of the benefits I’ve tapped into.  You can actually re-route packages and more.  AND – It’s FREE.

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