Jul 112011

Free Beech-Nut Next Steps Kit
For your little one….a Free Beech-Nut Next Steps Kit

Hope you all had a great weekend!  I would like to welcome aboard all my new followers and thank all my old followers for sticking around.  A thanks goes out to all of you who hooked up in the Footloose and Fancy-Free Hop.  I am working on returning the love.

My mind is all over the place these days thinking about the thousand and one things I need to do.  I’ve decided I want:

1. A personal assistant
2. A housekeeper
3. Three LNA’s that do 8 hour shifts 24/7.
4. Six more hours in a day
5. “Time” to slow down
6. To catch that trout I was suppose to catch weeks ago

I will say, I did get one important thing accomplished today…well actually three…groceries, stitches out of two of my kitties I had fixed (and I didn’t think they used anything but dissolvables …ha..oh well…I taught myself how to snip them out), and I vacuumed out my computer tower.  The inside of my tower was so full of dust! It’s been shutting off on me when it feels to…so I decided I better see what’s on the inside thinking maybe it’s over-heating. Well…wouldn’t surprise me a bit if the dust was the cause. One fan was so caked with dust that I actually used plastic tweezers to pull it away from the grill behind the blades.  Aside from that, I got the normal daily chores done.  I can say I went to bed smarter than I woke up…works for me.  I hope you all had a productive weekend!

Make it a great week!

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