Oct 042011
Today’s sponsor of the Fall Follower Fiesta is Crafty Love Jr. Laurie, the owner, offers a great variety of baby, toddler, and children’s clothes, toys, and more. Every item is crocheted by hand. Laurie is kind enough to be sponsoring a $25 credit to one lucky winner. What a great way to start your holiday shopping!

Be sure to enter the giveaway for $50 PayPal Cash if you haven’t already done so. This giveaway is open for the duration of the event and you can enter {here}.

RafflecopterSettings = { raffleID: ‘OTU4ZTE1NmIwNTE1MjQ3YzViODhkNTIxNmYzZDQyOjEz’};

<a href=”http://rafl.es/enable-js”>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

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