Nov 292014

Chicken Soup for the Soul – The Dog Did What? 2nd Edition


Dog lovers will appreciate Chicken Soup for the Soul The Dog Did What? – 2nd Edition. A book compiled of 101 Amazing Stories from dog owners that just had to share what their best friend did.

Recently, I could have created an entry in this book.  Our wonderful dog, Gracie, decided that she was going to be a bad dog.  She ate the top of my daughter’s friend’s winter boot that was visiting us.  She hadn’t done something like that in years.  She was a very naughty dog and she knew it when she was scolded.  Why she did this – I don’t know -if she could only speak.

You’ll find stories in this edition that speak of bad dogs.  Dogs that have taught people things. Dogs that did things that were on the frisky side, and so many more stories.

I enjoyed reading Chicken Soup for the Soul – The Dog Did What? 2nd Edition book, featuring dogs.  Simply filled with short stories that are easy to read even for those who get interrupted a gazillion times a day. Stories that keep you wanting to read more.

You can find this book on There’s a paperback version and a Kindle version.

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