Jan 212011
Finger Click Saver is a family friendly site. Given that, FCS is interested in family friendly product reviews, giveaways, and websites. If you are interested in collaborating with Finger Click Saver, please review FCS’s Policies.
Website Reviews: Please contact spar9797@gmail.com with WR in subject line for rates and information.
Product Reviews
Finger Click Saver does not charge for product reviews; however, Finger Click Saver does require the company to provide a full size sample product, mailed at your company’s expense, to Finger Click Saver. The product will not be returned to the company. This is mandatory as Finger Click Saver cannot write an effective review of the product for your company without having hands on experience with the product first. Reviews will be completed within two weeks of receiving the product.
Finger Click Saver highly recommends the company to offer a like product to be used in a giveaway. This maximizes the exposure to your company, the company’s website, and the product itself. Finger Click Saver will also be able to promote the product via other social networks as well. Should your company choose not to do a giveaway, Finger Click Saver will still provide an honest review for the product.
Once the item is received Finger Click Saver will review the product, take pictures (or use your pictures), and write a review based on Finger Click Saver’s honest opinion. If for some reason Finger Click Saver does not like the product, or has an issue with the product, FCS will offer the company to either:
1. Send Finger Click Saver another product
2. Post the review on FCS as is
3. Not post the review at all
For Product Reviews with Giveaway, Finger Click Saver’s Policy is as follows:
- Finger Click Saver will host the giveaway in complete.
- Sponsor chooses how many products to be given away.
- Finger Click Saver will have a button/link on FCS’s main page (FCS’s way of saying thank you)
- The giveaway will include a review of the product and giveaway and a mandatory entry as your company sees fit. The mandatory entry may include visiting your website and commenting on a product they like, liking you on Facebook, following you on twitter, signing up for your newsletter, etc. Extra entries can be obtained by entrant completing other tasks aside from the mandatory entry. Ex: mandatory entry is to visit your website…extra entry would be to ‘like’ your Facebook page, follow your company on Twitter etc.
- Entries are submitted as comments on the giveaway page under your product review
- Giveaway will last 14 days (shorter/longer if requested) ending at midnight EST on the set date
- Once the giveaway is closed, winner(s) will be chosen via random.org’s random number generator.
- Winner(s) will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond. If after 48 hours there is no response, another winner will be chosen via random.org.
- Finger Click Saver will notify your company of the winner(s) providing to your company all shipping details at that time.
- Your company will send the winner(s) of the giveaway the item at your company’s expense.
- Your company will send the product to the winner(s) within two weeks of receiving winner’s information. If for some reason this isn’t feasible, please inform Finger Click Saver so the winner(s) of the giveaway can be informed as to when to expect their prize(s)
I look forward to collaborating with your company and should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. I am confident we can come up with a solution to any concern you may have.
Contact: spar9797@gmail.com with PR in subject line
Based on internet averages, fingerclicksaver.com is visited more frequently by females who are in the age range 25-34, have children, received some college education and browse this site from home.
as of 4/5/11