Welcome to the $100 PayPal Giveaway
Simply voting for your favorite slogan will enter you to win. There are NO Facebook pages to like or Twitter pages to follow.
AdvertiseWithBloggers.com is a network of elite bloggers that works to advertise products and websites for companies. These bloggers have numerous dedicated readers who value the blog owner’s opinions and recommendations so it is the perfect way to get products and websites noticed.
Advertise With Bloggers is looking for the perfect blogger slogan that would make any blogger proud to wear across their shirt and has asked bloggers to help.
Here is a short video explaining the process –
Here are the slogans that were entered into the contest –
- Bloggers Sharing What We Love
- Blogging For Sanity
- Just Blog It
- Life’s too short, start a blog!
- Gotta Love It!
- Social Media Driven Success
- Ride the Fast Lane with AdvertiseWithBloggers
- Bloggers are the voice of the people.
- Bloggers Do It Right
- B.ringing L.ots O.f G.iveaways
- Just Blog About It!
- AdvertiseWithBloggers, you’ll love it!
- Blogging for Dollars
- Because Bloggers Do It Better
- AdvertiseWithBloggers: The New Mad WoMen of Social Media!
- The Secret Weapon to Boost Your Brand
- Bloggers Bringing You Business
- B. ecause I L. ove O. ffering G. reat Insites
- Peace. Love. Bloggers
- Bloggers get the word around
- Want to know? Ask a blogger!
- Need to know? Ask a Mom Blogger!
- I am so blogging about you!
- Awesomesause
- Bloggers WILL argue with a post!
- “Will Blog For Coffee”
- Advise to optimize
- Will blog for food, fashion and anything else.
- Blog till you drop
- Spying deals for you
Now for the fun part – one of our wonderful readers will WIN $100.00 via PayPal!
This giveaway:
– will run from 2/19 – 3/05
– is opened worldwide
Winner will be chosen via Random.org and will be notified via email.
Entering is super-easy, just choose your FAVORITE SLOGAN above – one that BEST represents blogging and put that slogan NUMBER in the entry form below. GOOD LUCK!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Thank you for my chance for winning.
Thank you for the giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway!