Jan 092012

The brilliant minds behind the Rafflecopter application are hosting a giveaway for a 16 GB iPad 2 and 2 Kindle Fires. The winner of the giveaway will win an iPad 2 and whoever refers the winner, will win a Kindle Fire!  This is all in celebration of their birth 9 months ago, of the wonderful Rafflecopter application that makes entering giveaways a breeze, and the New Year we’ve all begun.

The 2nd Kindle Fire up for grabs is going to the person who has the chosen name for Rafflecopter’s Mascot:

“Suggest a Mascot Name – You’ve seen the Rafflecopter smiley-face dude hanging around the web. The poor guy needs a name, and we want to leave it up to you to decide what his (or her?) name should be. For an additional entry, suggest a name! After the giveaway is over, we’ll go through the list of names and pick out our favorite suggestions (be creative!) and bring it to a vote on Facebook. If your name is chosen, you’ll win a Kindle Fire and be immortalized in Rafflecopter history :)”

Entering is easy – RAFFLECOPTER powered! Please use Finger Click Saver as your referrer…Thank you so much!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
<a href=”http://rafl.es/enable-js”>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

  9 Responses to “Enter to Win an iPad 2 and Kindle Fire sponsored by Rafflecopter”

Comments (9)
  1. This would be a great prize!

  2. Terrific!

  3. Awesome – Thanks

  4. I would love this!

  5. Awesome Prize



  8. great stuff

  9. I hope I win the iPad. Thanks, Susan, for the follow. Raji

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