Aug 012012
roomba giveaway


That dreaded vacuuming chore!  Want some help?  Imagine – a robot vacuuming your home – all while you kick back and relax.  I’ve teamed up with a group of bloggers to offer our readers the chance to win a iRobot 530 Roomba Vacuum!

For your chance to win the robotic vacuum, simply fill out the entry form below.  Giveaway is open to eligible US and Canada residents. Canadian winners will receive a $300 gift card in lieu of the prize.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  28 Responses to “Enter to Win a Roomba Vacuum!”

Comments (28)
  1. Read

  2. lol lay on my comfy bed!

  3. Clean the rest of my house lol

  4. Spend time with my daughter!

  5. Anything. I hate to vacuum!

  6. I would have more time to enter fantastic contests like this one!! 😉

  7. Enter more giveaways! 🙂

  8. Get a manicure 🙂

  9. sleep

  10. Spend more bonding time with my 1 year old daughter without having to carry her while I vacuum.

  11. read

  12. glad i stayed up late

  13. Sit outside on the swing & read!

  14. Probably laundry or dishes to be honest lol. Chores never end loo. Great giveaway! Thanks!

  15. spend more time with my girls!

  16. Being less stressed about popcorn spills and playing with my kids!!

  17. Probably clean something else!

  18. stop checking out for vacuum sales online!

  19. turn it on and go

  20. Read a book!!

  21. I’d enjoy a relaxing warm bubble bath!

  22. Go for a stroll in the park daily!!!!

  23. I might be able to catch up on some reading!

  24. I would run more ofte

  25. enter more contests
    thanks for the giveaway

  26. would love to win this!

  27. I will take a nap!

  28. I wants one!

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