Nov 112011
Identity theft is so prevalent in today’s world that one must be right on top of their identity so they don’t end up in hole they can’t get out of for a long time.  One reason for this is the economic times of today.  It’s your job to protect yourself from identity theft.  And the time to be proactive is now and not when your identity has been stolen.  Once that has happened, you’ll be living a night-tremor.  Given today’s technology, we can give thanks to the WWW where you can obtain your free credit score; which is one of the easiest ways to monitor your identity, followed by monitoring your credit reports.A credit score is based from entries on credit reports.  If by chance something has gone astray on your credit report, then you will see the change in your score.  You will be able to identify something that is not right because you know your financial situation better than anyone does.  You will be able to dispute something that was reported wrong.  Now it could be of fault of your own the scores are changing; but it’s better to be safe than sorry, in the event it wasn’t your fault.  Keep in mind, since there are 3 major credit bureaus – you’ll need to monitor all three scores and reports.
Sue – A Finger Click Saver
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